Celoteh Civitas

International Mobility

Universitas Islam Riau opens wide opportunities through the International Mobility department, facilitating diverse and high-quality learning experiences for students, lecturers, and academic staff. With pride, the university has 50 collaborative partners in more than 10 countries, enabling the realization of international programs involving knowledge exchange, joint research, and curriculum development.

The International Mobility department serves as a bridge connecting various cultures, knowledge, and thoughts at Universitas Islam Riau. Through study exchange programs and international collaborations, students can broaden their perspectives and gain cultural experiences, while lecturers and academic staff engage in profound research cooperation. With a focus on inclusivity and global dimensions, the university is not only a place of learning but also a stage for shaping future leaders who can contribute on an international scale.

Contact Information

For further inquiries or information, feel free to reach out to our dedicated contact person at the International Mobility department. You can contact via email at [email protected]  . Our team is readily available to assist you with any questions regarding international programs, collaborations, or other related matters.

Should you prefer to visit us in person, our office is located at The 3rd Floor of Rectorate Building Islamic Univeristy of Riau, Jl. Kaharuddin Nasution No.113 Pekanbaru-Riau . We welcome visitors during our office hours and look forward to meeting you in person. Your journey to global learning opportunities starts here, and we are here to guide you every step of the way.

International Mobility for Students

The International Mobility for Students at Universitas Islam Riau offers a range of programs designed to provide deep and diverse learning experiences. These programs include:

Student Exchange Program:

Students have the opportunity to participate in exchange programs at our partner universities in various countries. This provides a unique learning experience that enriches not only academic knowledge but also allows for a profound cultural experience.

Double Degree Programs:

Double Degree Programs enable students to earn degrees from both Universitas Islam Riau and partner universities simultaneously. This is an outstanding opportunity to deepen their understanding in specific fields and enhance competitiveness on a global level.

Internship Programs:

Students can participate in internship programs at partner companies or institutions, both domestically and internationally. This provides an opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in a real work setting and build valuable professional networks.

Community Service Learning (Kuliah Kerja Nyata - KKN):

The international Community Service Learning program takes students to local communities abroad to participate in community development projects. This is not only an opportunity to make a positive contribution to society but also to understand local challenges and dynamics firsthand.

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