Celoteh Civitas

Educational Development Program

Universitas Islam Riau (UIR) campus handles waste conventionally by placing it in waste sorting containers or other processing to reduce waste generation. The implementation of a sustainable campus at Universitas Islam Riau (UIR) entails the adoption of practices and regulations aimed at minimizing the environmental impact of the campus activities. Our campus incorporates various facets of sustainability.

No. Development Program Description or web link
of Attendees
  1. Design a one-semester learning program (RPS) for course.
  2. Designing lesson plans
  3. Mastering basic communication and basic teaching skills.
  4. Implementing learning based on the new paradigm of learning in higher education.
  5. Design and implement evaluation of student learning outcomes.
  6. Designing, compiling and developing teaching materials
  7. Designing and conducting research to improve the quality of learning.
January 9th, 2023 January 20th, 2023 83 View
2 Competency Assessor Training and Certification This is training that must be attended by academic staff as a requirement to become a competency assessor. Competency assessors are individuals who have the knowledge and skills to assess a person's level of competence in a particular field. By ensuring that competency assessment in the world of education, training, or the world of work is carried out objectively, consistently, and in accordance with established standards. July 31st, 2023 August 4th, 2023 3 View
3 Microsoft Certified Fundamentals (MCF) Training and Certification MCF Training and Certification is a training activity and learning course to prepare for MCF certification. The training material covers Microsoft Azure Artificial Intelligence (AI) Fundamentals, namely Machine Learning, Computer Vision, and Natural Language Processing. September 19th, 2023 September 21st, 2023 2 View
4 APTIKOM Curriculum Development Based on OBE/KKNI/SKKNI The training is conducted in order to prepare the latest curriculum standards from the previous one July 10th, 2023 July 10th, 2023 1 View
5 Improving Basic Skills of Instructional Techniques Basic Skills Enhancement Training for Instructional Techniques (PEKERTI) May 12nd, 2023 May 22nd, 2023 1 View
6 Basic Instructional Skills Training (PEKERTI) Training on Enhancing Basic Skills for Instructional Techniques (PEKERTI) conducted online August 7th, 2023 August 11th, 2023 1 View
7 MICROSOFT CERTIFIED FUNDAMENTALS (MCF) TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION MCF Training and Certification is a training activity and learning course related to preparation for obtaining MCF certification. The training material covers Microsoft Azure Artificial Intelligence (AI) Fundamentals, including Machine Learning, Computer Vision, and Natural Language Processing. September 1st, 2023 September 1st, 2023 1 View
8 Implementation of PBL in Indonesian language learning. This activity provides experience on the implementation of PBL in Indonesian language learning towards a creative and critical MBKM movement. September 4th, 2023 September 4th, 2023 1 View
9 National Seminar on Excellence and Character in the Era of Artificial Intelligence This activity provides an explanation of how to intelligently use and utilize artificial intelligence academically healthy and ethical. September 9th, 2023 September 10th,2023 1 View
10 Proper Poetry Reading Technique This lecturer development program aims to improve the competence and skills of lecturers in teaching literature, especially poetry appreciation. February 25th, 2023 February 25th, 2023 1 View
11 Technical Guidance on BIPA Teaching Methodology for BIPA Teachers and Activists in Riau Province This lecturer development program is specifically designed to provide technical guidance on Indonesian for Speakers of Other Languages (BIPA) teaching methodology to BIPA teachers and activists in Riau province.. June 26th, 2023 June 27th, 2023 1 View
12 Workshop on OBE-Based RPS Development Outcome Based Education (OBE) is a curriculum approach that focuses on results. In the application of OBE, it is not only the presentation of material in class, but also focuses on preparing graduates to have abilities that are ready to be applied in the world of work. The implementation of this workshop is focused on making RPS. August 28th, 2023 August 30th, 2023 148 View
13 Workshop on Creating Animated Learning Videos Using Powerpoint This lecturer development program is a workshop that aims to improve lecturers' skills in creating animated learning videos using the Powerpoint application. October 30th, 2023 October 30th, 2023 1 View
14 Workshop on Learning Completeness This activity was held by the Government Science Study Program to increase the capacity of Government Science Study Program Lecturers in preparing learning completeness. This workshop is useful for achieving order, lecture control, and BAN PT accreditation demands on teaching education standards. View
15 Certified Islamic Financial Analyst Training and assisment on the material
  1. The superiority of the Islamic excellence system
  2. Review of banknotes in Islamic economics Sharia-based business principles Analysis of sharia business opportunities
October 20th, 2023 October 22nd, 2023 1 View
  1. Effective strategies to motivate and inspire students (4 Hours),
  2. Identifying and responding to individual motivational differences (4 Hours),
  3. Becoming a Fun Teacher Hypno Teaching Method (4 Hours),
  4. Interesting ways to encourage active participation from students.
November 1st, 2023 November 3rd, 2023 1 View
17 Nusantara Module Lecturer (September 2022 to January 2023). Nusantara Module (Introducing various cultures, customs, religions, and habits as well as mutual respect and appreciation of each individual) September 1st, 2022 January 31st, 2023 1 View
18 Development of Merdeka Curriculum in OBE-based Indonesian Language Learning" November 4th, 2023 November 6th, 2023 1 View
19 Intensive training on OBE-based higher education curriculum development Training in the preparation of College Curriculum based on OBE 15-Nov-23 16-Nov-23 1 View
20 Pelatihan Penyusunan RPS berbasis OBE Making OBE Semester Learning Plan 24 Juli 2023 25 Juli 2023 1 View
21 Training to Improve the Quality of PIAUD Study Programme How to improve the quality of learning and the quality of the PIAUD study programme as a whole 22 Agustus 2023 22 Agustus 2023 1 View
22 Workshop 1: AJT cogtest This activity is a development activity for lecturers who teach intelligence and talent test courses. This workshop contains the latest intelligence test tool developed by Gadjah Mada University, namely Ajt Cogtest. 19 Juli 2023 20 Juli 2023 1 View
23 Training "Easy Steps to Make Teaching Modules in the Merdeka Curriculum The training "Easy Steps to Make Teaching Modules in the Independent Curriculum (17-20 September), contains training on making teaching modules by creating learning objectives, determining learning content, designing teaching structures, etc. The training takes place online by competent speakers. Organised by the Digital Era Learning forum and open to the public. 17-Sep-23 20-Sep-23 1 View
24 Positive parenting workshop: techniques for managing emotions This workshop contains material on how to care positively which was attended by lecturers who teach adult and elderly intervention courses. 5 Oktober 2023 5 Oktober 2023 1 View
25 Undergraduate Accounting Curriculum Workshop 10 Juli 2023 11 Juli 2023 2 View
26 PPL Tips for Determining and Implementing an Assessment Approach in accordance with SPI 106 6-Apr-23 6-Apr-23 1 View
27 Understanding the Indonesian Accountants Code of Ethics 17 Mei 2023 17 Mei 2023 1 View
28 PPL Latest Tax Regulation Update 29-Nov-23 29-Nov-23 1 View
29 Standar Pengungkapan Keberlanjutan IFRS 30 Agustus 2023 30 Agustus 2023 1 View
30 Online PPL Practising Accountant 20-Nov-23 3 Desember 2023 1 View
31 PPL Evaluation of Audit Evidence 1 Agustus 2023 1 Agustus 2023 1 View
32 PPL Risk Management 14 Agustus 2023 14 Agustus 2023 1 View
33 PPL Actuarial and Audit Report on Employee Benefits Liability 21-Nov-23 21-Nov-23 1 View
34 Teaching Book & Reference Book Writing Workshop These activities compile or create textbooks and reference books 20 Desember 2023 20 Desember 2023 1 View
36 HALAL PRODUCT PROCESS ASSISTANT Halal Product Guarantee Agency of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia based on Regulation of the Minister of Religious Affairs Number 20 of 2021 concerning Halal Certification for Micro and Small Business Actors. September 1st, 2023 september 7th, 2023 1 View
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