Universitas Islam Riau is the oldest university in Riau, founded on 4 September 1962 – 23 Zulqaidah 1382 H. It was managed by Yayasan Lembaga Pendidikan Islam ( YLPI) by six of its founding fathers:
1. H. Arifin Achmad
2. H. Soeman Hs
3. H. Zaini Kunin
4. H.R Subrantas Siswanto
5. Hj. Khadijah Ali
6. H. Kaharuddin Nasution
The existence of Universitas Islam Riau as the oldest university in Riau was a long history to UIR today, inseparable from the development of Islamic education in Riau, especially in Pekanbaru.
The development of UIR makes an important contribution to develop intellectual world which has been in direct touch to the development of the province since 1958. Despite of its initial establishment from September 4th 1962, the dream of YLPI founding fathers to establish a university in the province finally came to take place through its inauguration on 18th April 1963 by the director of UIR establishment committee, Datuk Wan Abdurrahman. Taking part in the ceremony, H. Anton Timur Jaelani, M. A, the head of Higher Education affair of Indonesia Religious Affairs Ministry, signed the charter of Universitas Islam Riau.
“To be World Class Islamic University Based on Iman and Takwa”
Misi Universitas Islam Riau ditetapkan berdasarkan surat keputusan Rektor Universitas Islam Riau nomor 098/UIR/KPPS/2021 melalui persetujuan senat pada rapat senat Universitas Islam Riau
1. To apply Alquran and Sunnah
2. To conduct global education based on iman and takwa
3. To conduct research, to develop science and technology
4.To be internationally reputed university based on iman and takwa
5. to conduct servives to community by high value on well-being, iman and takwa
6. to conduct Islamic dakwah bil lisan, bil walam, bil hal and bil hikmah
7. to conduct good Islamic university governance
Jl. Kaharuddin Nasution 113,
Pekanbaru 28284
Riau -
Copyright © Yayasan Lembaga Pendidikan Islam (YLPI) - Universitas Islam Riau. Developed by SIMFOKOM BOARD
Copyright © Yayasan Lembaga Pendidikan Islam (YLPI) - Universitas Islam Riau. Developed by SIMFOKOM