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Campus Facilities

Campus facilities encompass infrastructure and services available within the campus environment to support academic activities for the academic community. These facilities are designed to create an environment conducive to learning, teaching, research, and other activities related to the four pillars of Universitas Islam Riau. The campus facilities owned by Universitas Islam Riau are comprehensive, which reflects UIR’s commitment to enhancing world-class higher education quality in line with its vision.


The university-owned cafeteria is situated within the campus area, providing food and beverages for students, faculty, staff, and visitors to Universitas Islam Riau. The cafeteria serves as a central hub for social activities on campus, where students and others can gather to eat together, engage in discussions, or take a break.

The cafeteria offers a variety of food and beverage options, including healthy choices, and provides delivery services. Within the cafeteria, there are various dining areas designed to create a comfortable environment for eating and interacting. The cafeteria facilities at Universitas Islam Riau are located throughout the faculties

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Universitas Islam Riau provides a bookstore service beneficial for students, faculty, and the wider community seeking the latest reading references. The bookstore sells various types of books written by UIR faculty members as well as other authors related to the materials taught at Universitas Islam Riau. This bookstore is managed by the UIR Library.

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Social Room

Universitas Islam Riau has numerous social rooms available for all students to use for discussions, whether related to learning materials or student organization matters.

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Support Center for Minority Groups

Universitas Islam Riau offers facilities supportive of minority groups, such as physical and non-physical disability facilities.

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Religious Facilities

Masjid Al-Munnawarah is one of the oldest buildings constructed within the Universitas Islam Riau campus grounds. This two-story building serves as a center for Islamic activities and outreach within the Universitas Islam Riau community. Each faculty at Universitas Islam Riau also has a prayer room (Musholla) that can be utilized as a place of worship.

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